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Women’s Ultimate

Strength of the Pack

‘Strength of the Pack’ is the telling of the story of 24 ultimate frisbee players of different genders, speaking seven different languages, and hailing from different backgrounds uniting to do something amazing. This debut documentary by filmmaker Varsha Yeshwant Kumar… Read More »Strength of the Pack

Spirit of the Game Movie

Spirit of the Game follows one woman’s journey from the win-at-all-costs world of soccer into the “Play-fair-win-fair-play-with spirit” ethic of ultimate frisbee. This is the fictional part of an otherwise documentary film centered around Boston’s Lady Godiva, a women’s ultimate… Read More »Spirit of the Game Movie

On Endings

For me, the best part about qualifying for Nationals has always been the opportunity to spend a few more weeks with my team.  I have extremely fond memories of those precious extra moments earned at both Cal and Texas, (and… Read More »On Endings