“I’m extremely competitive, so I can’t really see myself ever being a non-athlete. While it’s nice to compete with myself, I love testing my ability against others. That’s usually where my personal goals come from. If I see an athlete who can do something that I can’t, or does something better than me, it inspires me to work on my own skills. That way, the next time I get to match up with them, I’ll be closer and closer to beating them. I also just love the thrill of competition. There’s no feeling like waking up the first morning of a tournament.
Ultimate (which used to be called Ultimate Frisbee) is such an amazing sport. Especially compared to my background in competitive swimming, where most athletes peak at a young age, and the intense training regimen (20+ hours per week) can be pretty incompatible with most other aspects of your life. Club Ultimate teams typically only practice 2-3 times per week, which leaves tons of room for doing other things that I love (although that’s usually just going to the gym or going out and throwing a disc with a friend!) It’s truly a sport for people of any age or background. The world’s top players are anywhere from age 18 to age 50, which is very different from other sports. If you want to play purely for leisure, you can do that. If you want to play competitively, you can do that low-key, at an international level, or anywhere in between.

I have always been driven to improve myself in some way. I really enjoy having a goal to work towards or a skill to improve, and I get that through sport. You can definitely work towards those types of things professionally or academically, but for me, it’s so much more measurable through sport and I love seeing the results of all the work that I put in.”
Molly, 26
Summerside, PE
- Competed at 2018 World Ultimate Club Championships with Anchor Ultimate, a mixed club team from Halifax (placed 11th)
- Competed at 2018 Canadian University Ultimate Championships with Dalhousie/King’s Ultimate Team in Open Division. Only female to compete in the division (placed 8th).
- Competed at 2017 and 2018 Canadian Ultimate Championships with Salty Ultimate, a women’s club team from Halifax (placed top 8).
Team-Voted Awards:
- 2016 Rookie of the Year (Salty Ultimate)
- 2017 Team MVP (Salty Ultimate)
- 2018 Defensive MVP (Salty Ultimate)
- 2018 Female Defensive MVP (Anchor Ultimate)
Thanks to Lyndsay Doyle for her work to increase the visibility of women in sport.
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