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Ultimate Rob

Rob McLeod is a frisbee ambassador and motivational speaker who holds 6 Guinness World Records, 13 World Championships, and the Canadian Distance Record. He created in 2009.

Improving Forehand and Hammer Throws

I ran a throwing clinic during one of our byes at an indoor tournament in Saskatoon. Two of the main questions I had from people were about getting more spin on forehands and throwing a better hammer.

Throwing Drill – Into a Soccer Net

I explain what I mean by practicing throwing on your own as a way to develop your throw more effectively. This is one of my favourite drills for improving my mechanics, technique and the consistency of my throws.

Frisbee Grips

This video, requested by Simbadwashere90 on Youtube, talks about the various grips for throwing a disc and which ones I recommend using. Let me know if you grip the disc differently to the ones I show in the video!

How to Throw High Release Backhand

This video, requested by a fan on Facebook, talks about throwing a high release backhand. I talk about when you should/shouldn’t throw it, how to defend against the throw and a few tips for throwing.