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Ultimate Rob

Rob McLeod is a frisbee ambassador and motivational speaker who holds 6 Guinness World Records, 13 World Championships, and the Canadian Distance Record. He created in 2009.

Spirit of the Game Movie

Spirit of the Game follows one woman’s journey from the win-at-all-costs world of soccer into the “Play-fair-win-fair-play-with spirit” ethic of ultimate frisbee. This is the fictional part of an otherwise documentary film centered around Boston’s Lady Godiva, a women’s ultimate… Read More »Spirit of the Game Movie

Furious George vs Invictus – 2000 CUC

In the 2000 Canadian Ultimate Championship finals, Furious George defeated Calgary Invictus in perhaps the most lopsided championship game ever, with Furious winning 19-1.

How Skyd Magazine Deals With Negativity

Elliot Trotter, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Skyd Magazine, talks about how Skyd deals with negativity in comments left on posts. Video is available here:

Eye-Hand Coordination Drills

Improving your eye-hand coordination will help you with throwing, catching and marking. Here are 2 drills which can help improve your eye-hand coordination. You can buy the Whiz Ring here: The shirt I’m wearing is from my official SAVAGE… Read More »Eye-Hand Coordination Drills