Always Be Moving #zipstips
As some of you may know, I am very big fan of acronyms. Today’s; ABM, always be moving, both on D and on O. This serves three purposes.Read More »Always Be Moving #zipstips
Rob McLeod is a frisbee ambassador and motivational speaker who holds 6 Guinness World Records, 13 World Championships, and the Canadian Distance Record. He created in 2009.
As some of you may know, I am very big fan of acronyms. Today’s; ABM, always be moving, both on D and on O. This serves three purposes.Read More »Always Be Moving #zipstips
This is a great drill/game to work on your quick release, catching, throwing, disc awareness, eye/hand coordination, and timing of your throwing & catching. Comment below with how long you were able to do this challenge with a partner!
This trick shot video was filmed in Ra’anana Park, Israel featuring Yarden, Semo, and Avner on behalf of Fresh Ultimate. Ra’anana Park is a beautiful park with lots of open grassy spaces, climbing structures, a train that brings guests all throughout the park, and multiple courts for sports such as basketball, soccer, hockey, and skateboarding.Read More »Ra’anana Park Frisbee Trick Shot Video – Israel
When throwing on the green or when warming up make sure to catch “both ways.” Alternate catching with your right hand versus your left hand on top of the pancake. For good throws, this doesn’t make much of a difference, but if an errant throw is to the right of your body, it will be easier to catch left on top, and the same goes for the other side, but switched. The more comfortable you are catching both ways, the more natural it will be for you to catch with the correct orientation. I guarantee your drops will go down if you work on this.Read More »Catch Both Ways #zipstips
After a full day of running frisbee workshops, Itay and I filmed this trick shot video at a playground next to our last school of the day.Read More »Israeli Playground Frisbee Trick Shot Video
If you’ve ever had too many people to set up an ultimate game, then you should give World War Free a try. This game is for as few as 10 players all the way up to 150 players or more!Read More »World War Free
Help Grow the Sport! My life, my passion, my purpose, and my primary goal is to introduce frisbee to as many people (mainly kids) as possible and to challenge them to Get Unplugg’d. My slogan is “Let the Wind Guide You“.… Read More »Help Grow The Sport By Becoming a Patron
If we were to ask a kid to come up a list of their heroes from the pro sports leagues, they might say something similar to the following: NHL – Sydney Crosby; NFL – Peyton Manning; NBA – Lebron James;… Read More »Everyone Needs a Hero – Especially Kids
United Ultimate League to Launch in 2019, Bringing Mixed Professional Ultimate to the USA Announced today, there has already been a lot of coverage online. Read on to find out more. United Ultimate League Prepares for 2019 Launch Q&A with… Read More »Pro Mixed Ultimate League Slated for 2019
Get a 10% discount with the code ULTIMATEROB2018 when you buy online at Ultimate Rob follows up his previous Greatest Bag review with an Overview of their newest model, which adds a shoulder strap as the most significant new… Read More »Greatest Bag Overview
With the release of this article on Skyd Magazine arguing for making pro ultimate a mixed league, there have been a huge number of comments on Facebook, Reddit and Twitter. The author’s main point for making pro ultimate mixed is for… Read More »A Case for Gender Equity Based on Ability
The workshop is being run by Tom Styles, one of the most experienced and recognisable voices in ultimate broadcasting. With over 15 years of experience behind the microphone Tom has a unique perspective on how to commentate on the sport… Read More »Commentary Workshop for Female Commentators at UKU Nationals
Check out the newest ultimate specific cleat from Universe Point! It’s a new type of shoe hitting the market. Their pre-sale is open now – shipping in mid-August! Visit:
Living in Canada has taught me the importance of dressing for the weather. And it’s been really hard to find a nice toque that not only keeps my head warm but also looks good. That’s why this year, I’m going to help out three lucky people.Read More »VC Knit Toque Giveaway
This article was inspired by a series of questions from Erin Faylona, an ultimate player living in the Philippines, who is currently taking her masters in human movement science. She is working on a paper (for Biomechanics) and has decided to dissect the hammer throw. Below you’ll find my response to her questions.Read More »The Best Way to Throw a Hammer
Along with my partner VC Ultimate, I’m excited to announce a giveaway. We’ll be giving away a Team Canada full sub jersey and a 10 pack of Discraft practice discs. To enter, head to the post on Facebook here:… Read More »VC Ultimate and Discraft Giveaway
Grab 10 perfect quality discs, potentially less than perfect designs on them…these are perfect practice discs from our friends at Discraft. Discs are all 175 gram Discraft UltraStars. Mix of colours and designs available. Please note that they are Discraft misprint discs… Read More »Practice Disc Bundle from VC Ultimate
I am excited to announce that I will be partnering up with VC Ultimate again! After being with Savage Ultimate for the past two years, I have decided to partner with VC again for several reasons: I was recently named… Read More »Ultimate Rob Back With VC Ultimate
Whether or not you are aware of the history of frisbee, the origins of ultimate or the people responsible for the development of the rules, these forces have had a hand in shaping the game. Knowing the origins of ultimate and… Read More »Seeing the Bigger Picture
About a month ago, I received an email from an ultimate player. His name is Daniel and he was wondering what offensive and defensive strategies I would suggest for 3 on 3 since he had a tournament coming up and… Read More »Strategies for 3 on 3 Ultimate
I’ve been writing and talking about ways to improve your pull for more than 5 years. In this video, I reference some of the content I’ve already published but I bring forward my most current knowledge on throwing and pulling… Read More »How to Improve Your Pull