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Ultimate Rob

Rob McLeod is a frisbee ambassador and motivational speaker who holds 6 Guinness World Records, 13 World Championships, and the Canadian Distance Record. He created in 2009.

Throwing a hammer

Why is it important to know how to throw a hammer? The more throws you are able to throw the better because you will be more of a threat to your opponents and the harder they will have to work… Read More »Throwing a hammer

Mechanics of Pulling – Core Power

This is an instructional video talking about how you can use your core for more power on your pulls and how to engage your entire body instead of only using your arm.

Mechanics of Pulling – Footwork and Approach

This is an instructional video showing the footwork and approach elements which are crucial in becoming a better puller. In this video I discuss my approach to the throw and where I’ve gained my inspiration from.

Receiving the Pull in Ultimate

Why is receiving the pull so important?

Since the point of the pull is for the other team to start with you as deep in your endzone as possible, the ability to collect the pull and get the disc moving is crucial to keep the defense on their toes.

Reading the disc

Why is reading the disc so important?

There are two big reasons:

1. When you’re on offense, if you can read the disc well then your chance of catching the disc will be much higher
2. When you’re on defense, if you can read the disc well then your chance of getting the D is that much higher

How to Throw in the Wind

Why is throwing in the wind so important?

There are several reasons:

1. A team will generally run a zone defense against your team when it’s windy – hence your handlers should be confident throwing in the wind
2. When it’s very windy, the number of people who can actually throw in the wind is surprisingly low – so if you can than you’re one of the exceptions
3. It will make your throws in no wind stronger and more consistent since you understand how important it is to have spin on the disc

How to Huck Backhand

What is hucking?

Simply put, hucking is when you throw the disc far – to a receiver. When you huck, you almost always want to throw to a receiver. So it’s not just throwing the disc are far as possible (although when you’re at a high stall count this can sometimes come in handy). There are many situations when a huck is helpful so it’s not only important to know HOW to huck but also WHEN to huck. I will talk about the HOW and the WHEN with more of a focus on the HOW.

Hucking forehand

What is hucking?

Simply put, hucking is when you throw the disc far – to a receiver. When you huck, you almost always want to throw to a receiver. So it’s not just throwing the disc are far as possible (although when you’re at a high stall count this can sometimes come in handy). There are many situations when a huck is helpful so it’s not only important to know HOW to huck but also WHEN to huck. I will talk about the HOW and the WHEN with more of a focus on the HOW.

Pulling the Disc in Ultimate

Why is pulling so important?

You want your team to start on D in the best possible position. This happens when the best puller on the team (NOTE: not the best thrower) pulls. Every pull is huge no matter if it’s to start the game or if you’re pulling on universe point (game tied – next point wins). A bad pull will give the other team an advantage before they even catch the disc so you want to have the best pull every time.

How to Throw a Backhand

Why is backhand so important?

Since in a game you are going to be marked by someone, you will want to be able to throw both a backhand and a forehand. A backhand will give you more separation from your mark than a flick since you’re getting further away from your pivot foot on your throw.

Throwing forehand

Why is throwing forehand (flick) so important?

Since in a game you are going to be marked by someone, you will want to be able to throw both a backhand and a forehand. Generally, most teams force you to throw forehand so having a good forehand will benefit your team greatly.


This is the new design for I chose to redesign the website in WordPress because I wanted the site to be easier to update, not only by myself but by colleagues who I will be bringing on soon to… Read More »Welcome