Lots of ultimate players are discovering disc golf and picking it up as they move away from ultimate as they get older.Disc Golf is for all ages and in fact the best players in the world are in their mid 20’s, but disc golf is truly an ageless game.
Ultiworld Disc Golf, Ultiworld, and Innova Discs have a great series that will explore and support ultimate players who are interested in getting into disc golf.

“In retrospect, I think those few weeks saved me upwards of six months of actual disc golf, which brings me to my first recommendation: if you are coming over to disc golf from ultimate, spend some time in the middle ground: throwing golf discs on an ultimate field. Get some plastic from that guy you know who tried it once and didn’t like it, or buy a few from a local shop. Don’t even worry about what they are; the explanations won’t make sense to you anyway. Just get some.”
Part 1: https://ultiworld.com/2020/02/27/ultimate-disc-golf-making-leap-pt-1.

About the author James Bress:
James is a contributor at Ultiworld Disc Golf. He played Ultimate from 2000-2015 for the Amherst HS Hurricanes, UMass ZooDisc, New Noise, Capitol Punishment, and Dark or Light. Now he plays disc golf for Team Wick (4x NETC champs) out of Wickham Park in Manchester, CT. One time he hit a tournament ace on camera. Despite that, he has not quit his day job as a high school teacher. Send questions and comments to bress.james@gmail.com. See what tournaments he’s playing at his PDGA player page #84048.