I’ve been working on an idea for the past little while since I’ve had a lot of requests from fans via email to help with their throws.
As much as they try to describe what their problem is, I truly believe that if someone knew exactly what was wrong, then they could fix it.
So what I’m offering is a free throwing analysis. Send me a video of you throwing including a description of what you’d like to work on to rjmcleod@gmail.com and I’ll send you back my thoughts and suggestions on what you can improve.
You can either send me a link to a Youtube video or use a service like http://www.yousendit.com to send me the video.
Looking forward to helping you Play Ultimate Better!
~ Ultimate Rob
Rob, that is seriously an awesome idea. I'll send you on this weekend. I've been playing for five years and can't get bigger than a 40 yard flick…
Sounds good Dave…I'll probably send you an email with my comments and also post a video response. Thanks!
awesome Rob. I'll get some video together…my huck….well…..sucks.. : (
sweet im doing this as soon as I can take a video
@fernando Nice man! Email me at rob@ultimaterob.com when you have the video!
Thanks for doing this Rob! I just loaded a video of myself throwing on youtube 'improve my frisbee throw'
@Ryan Thanks Ryan! I’ll get some comments to you soon (and possibly a video response)